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What a view!

Ida Kärrby • May 7, 2021

Everybody loves a good story

There is a reason why the cautionary tale was invented. And why the medieval church made sure the brave knight in every tale found himself standing before a moral dilemma. People in general, are not all that interested in facts and figures – rules and regulations. They would much rather hear a story.


People will not act if they don’t care

According to Forbes Magazine, we are 22 percent more likely to remember a fact if it is wrapped in a story.

Up to 2018, Nike owned 62% of the world’s athletic shoe market. That is a fact. And it is impressive. But they would never let it be the main thing to boast about in a campaign. They don’t even boast about their shoes. Instead, they tell a story. And the focal point is YOU. Inspiring you to take action. Run that race, make that jump, win that game, be that person. Just do it! Instead of making you buy the product – They make you buy the brand.


The Gold Blend Couple

The irresistible story about Tony and Sharon and their shared love for Nescafé Gold Blend swooped in over the UK in 1987. A series of ads that followed how their relationship evolved, captured coffee drinkers of the late eighties’. Sales increased by 50% and by 1993, 30 million people watched as the final commercial aired.

Well, you really don’t have to be a cool sneaker producer, or a lifestyle coffee brand to tell a story. You just need to set aside your need to push out lots of interesting facts and tell people why they should care. What will it change for them? Where is the beef?!


Then there is the difference between starting your story with “Once upon a time, in a land far away …” or “There once was a man from Nantucket …” – but that is about your Tone-of-voice. And that my friend, is a whole other story.

Ida Says

By Ida Kärrby September 10, 2021
The importance of impromptu meetings
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